Smarter Balanced Testing
Redwood Prep students in the third through eighth grades will be taking the new Smarter Balance Assessment which are replacing State STAR tests in the 2015-16 school. In spring of 2014, students participated in Smarter Balance field testing to get an idea about what the testing will be like this year. Below, you will find information about these assessments and see links to a praactice test and Common Core State Standards.
These assessments will be administered online and will go beyond multiple choice questions to include performance tasks that allow students to demonstrate research, writing, and analytical skills.
In addition to a year-end test, teachers will be able to administer interim assessments throughout the school year to monitor student progress and make adjustments to instruction.
Accommodations for students with disabilities and English language learners will be built into the system so that the progress of students can be accurately measured.
An online reporting system will provide clear, easy-to-understand data on student achievement and growth. These reports will present parents, teachers, principals, and other local and state leaders with information they can use to help students make even greater progress. (taken from